What does it mean to be “Best-in-Class”?
Delivering the highest-caliber technical resources.
Executing faster than any of our competitors.
Being highly knowledgeable about the industries, technologies and engineering skill disciplines we serve.
Always acting in the best interest of our clients and consultants.
The Pivotal Difference
World-class engineering recruiting engine
- We don’t employ rookies as recruiters. Our recruiters have at least five years’ engineering and technical recruiting expertise in the practice areas they serve.
- We are onshore focused.
- Our unique combination of technical and domain experience enables us to refer the right consultants faster — most often in less than 48 hours.
Our core values
Integrity • Accountability • Innovation • Urgency • Flexibility
The Pivotal service experience
Recruiting-first mindset.
At Pivotal Engineering, recruiting is our most important core competency.
Technical and industry expertise.
We provide better service by being more knowledgeable.
By being for more focused on specific disciplines and proactive in recruiting, we are able to provide the right engineering candidates in less time.
Partnership mentality.
We are not a transaction-oriented organization. Our success is based on creating the right solutions for our clients and finding the right opportunities for our consultants.
Deliver an exceptional service experience.
We strive to provide the best service to every client and consultant.